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Dynatronics- Global Online Auction Featuring Assets Formerly of Dynatronics, A Medical Cabinetry and Furniture Manufacturing Facility
Venue address
6607 Mountain View Rd.
Ooltewah, TN
United States
Dynatronics- Global Online Auction Featuring Assets Formerly of Dynatronics, A Medical Cabinetry and Furniture Manufacturing Facility

Auction dates
Starts: Nov 04, 2020 07:00 AM CT
Ends from: Nov 05, 2020 10:00 AM CT
Auction currency
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There are 99 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Cordless Drill with Charger
Pneumatic Tools
Lot 161
Metal Cabinet with Tools
Various Power Tools
Double Heat Gun
Lot 164
Plunge Router and Dust Collector
Floor Model Drill Press
Drum Sander
Lot 167
LP Forklift
Lot 168
LP Forklift
Lot 169
2000 lb. Electric Pallet Jack
Electric Pallet Jack
Vertical Bailer
Lot 172
1000-Lb. Shop Crane
Self Dumping Hopper
Pallet Jack
Lot 175
Pallet Strapping Cart
Stackable Flammable Storage Cabinet
Standard Flammable Storage Cabinet
Upholstery Fabric Press
Upholstery Fabric Press
Pallet Strapping Cart
Wood Cabinet with Contents
Small Parts Bins
Metal Hand Truck
3500 lb. Pallet Jack
Flat Bed Push Cart
Warehouse Racking
Warehouse Racking
20 Gal Vacuum
Lot 190
Flat Bed Push Cart
Flat Bed Push Cart
Metal Shelving
Lot 193
Pallet Jack
Lot 195
Shelving Units
Lot 196
Warehouse Racking
Warehouse Racking
Lobby Furniture
Lot 199
Break Room Furniture