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ESS Jan. 2023 - Global Online Auction Sale Featuring Late Model Electronic Test & Measurement Equipment
Venue address
26545 Danti Court
Hayward, CA
United States
ESS Jan. 2023 - Global Online Auction Sale Featuring Late Model Electronic Test & Measurement Equipment

Auction dates
Starts: Jan 08, 2023 06:00 PM PT
Ends from: Jan 10, 2023 10:00 AM PT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 330 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Ohaus Portable Balance
Ohaus Portable Balance
Ohaus Portable Balance
Cole-Parmer Toploading Balance
Ohaus Pioneer Balance
Thermo Scientific Hot Plate
VWR Balance
Lot 106
Corning Hot Plate
Talboys Hot Plate/Stirrer
Talboys Hot Plate/Stirrer
Corning Hot Plate/Stirrer
Cole-Parmer Peristaltic Pump
Cole-Parmer Peristaltic Pump
Cole-Parmer Toploading Balance
Radwag Precision Balance
Ohaus Moisture Analyzer
Mettler Toledo Microbalance
Jintai R&D Vibrator Round Plaster
Apera pH, mV Meter
DIGI-Sense Thermocouple Controller
Watlow Digital Temperature Controllers
Watlow Digital Temperature Controllers
Electrothermal EM Heating Mantle
Chroma 1/2 Digit Multimeter
New Era Pump Systems Syringe Pump
Value Vacuum Pump
Chroma Hipot Tester
Chroma Milliohm Meter
Gamry Instruments Interface Potentiostat
S&A Industrial Chiller
Cole-Parmer Pump
ERWEKA Tablet Hardness Tester
Across International Chiller
IKA Temperature Control
Cole-Parmer Water Bath
Agilent Technologies Micro GC
Agilent Technologies Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump
Vacuum Pumps
Lot 137
YDS; MVE Liquid Dewars
Harrick Diffuse Reflection Accessory
Harrick Diffuse Reflection Accessory
Micromeritics Degas System
JEIO Tech Vacuum Oven
Thermo Scientific Tube Furnaces
Universal Laser Systems Laser Cutter
Toshiba Color Laser Printer
Sentry Electronic Fire Safe
Kettler Ping Pong Table
Yamato Temperature Oven
Thermo Scientific Box Furnace
Econochill Air Cooled Water Chiller
Yamato Temperature Oven
Chicago Pneumatic Rotary Screw Air Compressor.
Micromeritics Surface Characterization Analyzer
Vivtek Laboratory Tube Furnace
Vivtek Laboratory Tube Furnace
Carbolite Split Tube Furnaces
Carbolite Split Tube Furnaces