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The Dudes' Brewing Company: Online Auction Sale Featuring A Complete 30 BBL Brewery!
Venue address
1840 W. 208Th Street
Torrance, CA
United States
The Dudes' Brewing Company: Online Auction Sale Featuring A Complete 30 BBL Brewery!

Auction dates
Starts: Mar 26, 2024 12:00 AM PT
Ends from: Mar 27, 2024 10:00 AM PT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Auction currency
Other payment methods
There are 85 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
60 BBL Fermenter
60 BBL Fermenter
60 BBL Fermenter
60 BBL Fermenter
60 BBL Fermenter
60 BBL Fermenter
60 BBL Fermenter
60 BBL Fermenter
60 BBL Fermenter
60 BBL Fermenter
60 BBL Fermenter
60 BBL Fermenter
60 BBL Fermenter
60 BBL Fermenter
60 BBL Brite Tank
60 BBL Brite Tank
60 BBL Brite Tank
60 BBL Brite Tank
60 BBL Brite Tank
60 BBL Uni Tank
Lot 124
60 BBL Uni Tank
Lot 125
60 BBL Uni Tank
Lot 126
60 BBL Uni Tank
Lot 127
Alfa Laval Brew 250 Centrifuge
Filtrox Candle Filter
ABE Keg Commander
PakTech Packaging Machine
Lot 134
Rite Mfg. Boiler System
Citronix Date Coder
Assorted Conveyors
Water Tank
Lot 139
Water Tank
Lot 140
Agtronix Grain Scale
Magnetic Stirrer
Quincy Lab Incubator
Assorted Lab Equipment
Awareness Technology Stat Fax
Scientech Laboratory Balance
Lot 148
Applied Biosystems Thermal Cycler
Epson Label Printer
Hach Laboratory Spectrometer
Wisconsin Aluminum Pressure Sterilizer
Air Science Benchtop Workstation
VWR Laboratory Incubator
Tuttnauer Laboratory Oven
Magnetic Stirrers
Cisco Server Cabinet with Contents
Automatic Canning Devices Crowler