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Sunworks: By Order of The Bankruptcy Court--Online Auction Featuring ~8.8MW of Solar Panels, Trucks, Trailers, Hardware, Inverters & More

Auction dates
Starts: Apr 30, 2024 12:00 AM CT
Ends from: May 01, 2024 09:00 AM CT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 711 items matching your search
Primary Category
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Assorted Tools & Shop Vacs
MJP Pallet Jack
Lot 1001
Uline Pallet Jack
Werner 40 Ft Extension Ladder
Werner Extension Ladders
Werner Extension Ladders
25 Ft Multi Position Pro Aluminum Ladders
25 Ft Multi Position Pro Aluminum Ladders
25 Ft Multi Position Pro Aluminum Ladders
Pallet Racking
Lot 1009
Sections of Racking with Contents
ChemLink Skid of Penetration Sealant
Skid of ChemLink / Geocel Sealants
ChemLink Penetration Sealant
ZNShine 370 Watt Photovoltaic Solar Panels
ZNShine 370 Watt Photovoltaic Solar Panels
ZNShine 370 Watt Photovoltaic Solar Panels
ZNShine 370 Watt Photovoltaic Solar Panels
ZNShine / Aptos Photovoltaic Solar Panels
ZNShine / SILFAB Photovoltaic Solar Panels
SolarEdge Interactive Non-Isolated PV Inverters
SolarEdge Interactive Non-Isolated PV Inverters
SolarEdge Interactive Non-Isolated PV Inverters
SolarEdge Interactive Non-Isolated PV Inverters
SolarEdge Interactive Non-Isolated PV Inverters
SolarEdge Power Optimizers
SolarEdge Power Optimizers
SolarEdge Power Optimizers
SolarEdge Power Optimizers
NEP BDM Inverters
Balance of Contents on Shelving Units
Eaton / Siemen Assorted Size Circuit Breakers
Eaton 125 Amp Outdoor Main Lugs
Eaton 70 Amp Outdoor Main Lugs
Eaton 60 Amp General Duty Safety Switches
Eaton 100 Amp General Duty Safety Switches
Eaton 60 Amp General Duty Safety Switches
Eaton / Square D 30 Amp General Duty Safety
Square D 60 Amp General Duty Safety Switches
GE 60 Amp General Duty Safety Switches
Eaton 200 Amp Socket Pedestals
Eaton 200 Amp Socket Pedestals
Eaton 200 Amp Socket Pedestals
Eaton 200 Amp Socket Pedestals
Eaton 200 Amp Socket Pedestals
Eaton 200 Amp Socket Pedestals
Eaton 200 Amp Socket Pedestals
Eaton 200 Amp Socket Pedestals
Milbank 200 Amp Socket Utility Pedestals