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Copia Scientific Summer Liquidation Sale: Online Auction Featuring Inventory From Copia Scientific!
Venue address
100 Cummings Center #150B
Beverly, MA
United States
Copia Scientific Summer Liquidation Sale: Online Auction Featuring Inventory From Copia Scientific!

Auction dates
Starts: Jul 29, 2024 12:00 AM ET
Ends from: Jul 30, 2024 12:00 PM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 443 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
SterilGard Hood
Lot 183
Crest Ultrasonics Water Bath
Fisher Scientific Freezer
PerkinElmer Microplate Reader
Fisher Scientific Freezer
Eppendorf Thermal Cycler
Eppendorf Thermal Cycler
Eppendorf Thermal Cycler
Eppendorf Thermal Cycler
Bruker Flow Probe
Bruker Flow Probe
Bruker Flow Probe
Molecular Devices Image Colony Picker
Taylor-Wharton Freezer
Molecular Devices Image Colony Picker
Skatron Microplate Washer
Lab Products Exhaust Supply:Animal Cage
Lab Products Exhaust Supply:Animal Cage
PerkinElmer Microplate Stacker
PerkinElmer Microplate Stacker
Andrew Alliance/Waters Robotic Arm
Cohesive Technologies Autosampler
Cohesive Technologies Autosampler
Thermo Heraeus Carousel
Beckman Coulter Particle Counter
Tecan Stacker
Lot 208
Beckman Coulter Liquid Handler
Tecan Control Unit/Vacuum Unit
Tecan Control Unit/Vacuum Unit
Skatron Microplate Washer
Blue M Laboratory Oven
Tecan Microplate Reader
VWR International Water Bath
Tecan Stacker
Lot 216
Apricot Designs Liquid Handler
Apricot Designs Liquid Handler
Apricot Designs Liquid Handler
Illumina DNA Cluster Generator
Forma Scientific Shaker
Beckman Coulter Liquid Handler
Various Pipettors
Agilent Agilent Tips
Apricot Designs Liquid Handler
BioMicroLab Tube Sorter
BioMicroLab Tube Sorter
Eppendorf (8) Thermal Cyclers
Dynamic Devices Liquid Handler
Tecan Liquid Handler
Cohesive Technologies Autosampler
Cohesive Technologies Autosampler
Beckman Coulter Liquid Handler
VWR Fridge Stack
Thermo Scientific Freezer
New Brunswick Scientific Freezer
Tecan Table:Workstation
PerkinElmer Liquid Handler
Thermo Matrix Dispenser
Thermo Matrix Dispenser
LGC Genomics LLC Microplate Sealer:Laser
Beckman Coulter Liquid Handler