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PL Developments Sale #2: Surplus Processing & Packaging Equipment

Fillers, Cappers, Cartoners, Labelers & More!

Auction dates
Starts: Dec 11, 2024 12:00 AM ET
Ends from: Dec 12, 2024 12:00 PM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 260 lots within this auction
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
BULK SALE - Line #43 Label & Packaging Line
NJM CLI SS Accumulating Table Conveyor
SS Conveyor
Lot 1042
Keyence 2D Code Reading System
NJM Labeling Machine
SS Conveyor
Lot 1048
Axon SS Labeling Machine
Marburg SS Heat Tunnel
SS Conveyor
Lot 1051
Axon SS Labeling Machine
Paxton Air Blower
InterPack Tape Machine
Roll Conveyor
Lot 1060
Red Lion Controls Digital Panel Meter
BULK SALE - Line #44 Label & Packaging Line
GE Analytical TOC Analyzer & Autosampler
Mettler-Toledo Density Sampler
Mettler-Toledo Density Meter
Kirby-Lester Pill & Tablet Counter
Nikon Lab Microscope
Oakton Meter
Lot 1069
Oakton Meter Kit
Lot 1070
Sartorius Printer
Mettler-Toledo Printer
Hanna Photometer
Lot 1073
Hanna Photometer
Lot 1074
Hanna Photometer Kit
Hanna Photometer Kit
ABB Automation Robotic Palletizer
Feldmeier Equipment SS Tank
SS Mixing Tank/Vessel
SS Mixing Tank/Vessel
Mettler-Toledo Inspection System
NJM/Fristam Pallet Labeler & Pump
Southworth Pallet Lift
ABB Automation Robotic Palletizer
SS Feeder Hopper/Elevator
SS Fillings & Capping Machine
Southworth Pallet Lift
New England SS Inline Bottle Orienter System
SS Conveyor
Lot 1513
Shanklin SS Heat/Shrink Tunnel
SS Platform & Staircase/Platform
Battery Chargers
Lot 1516
Lapeyre Stair SS Cross-Over Ladder/Platform
Kuka Robot
Lot 1518
Precision Stainless SS Tank
WEB Techniques Counting & Rewind Machine
GEBO SS Feeder Hopper/Elevator & Conveyor
WEB Techniques Counting & Rewind Machine
SS Dual Conveyor System
Highland SS Tank
Lot 1526
Ametek Battery Chargers
Ametek Battery Chargers
Ametek Battery Chargers
Manufacturing Line Equipment
SS Control Panel
Lot 1531