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PL Developments Sale #2: Surplus Processing & Packaging Equipment

Fillers, Cappers, Cartoners, Labelers & More!

Auction dates
Starts: Dec 11, 2024 12:00 AM ET
Ends from: Dec 12, 2024 12:00 PM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 260 lots within this auction
Primary Category
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Mettler-Toledo SS Check Weigher
Ampco/Waukesha SS Pumps
Wexxar SS Case Former Machine
SS Control Panel w/ Air Condition Unit
Belt Conveyor
Lot 1537
SS Accumulating Table Conveyor
Chematic Dober Group SS Tank
Hartness Case Packer/Cartoner Machine
ITW Dynatec Hot Melt Glue Sealer
ITW Dynatec Hot Melt Glue Sealer
Generic SS Shrink Sleeve Applicator
SmithKline Beachem SS Palletizer
Fold Down Tables
Lot 1545
SS Conveyor
Lot 1546
SS Conveyor
Lot 1547
Preferred Packaging Shrink Wrap Machine
GLH Shrink Wrap Machine
GLH Heat/Shrink Tunnel
GLH Heat/Shrink Tunnel
Bottle Orientation Machine
SS Cartoner Machine
Cybertrol Engineering SS Manifold System
Federal SS Heat Exchanger
UltraPure DI Water System
Unarco/Concentric Flow Racking
Custom Cap Detection System
SuperLogics 2D Code Reading System
Custom Bottle Rotating Accumulation Table
Count Monitor Display
Keyence Vision Inspection System
Kaps-All SS Bottle Scrambler Machine
TSI SS Mixing Tank/Vessel
Federal SS Filler Conveyor
PMC Industries SS Pump Capper Machine
PMC Industries SS Hopper, Panel & Feed Conveyor
Groen SS Tank
Lot 2020
Stainless Steel Tank
Domino/AAF Printer & Filter
Hoosier Feeder SS Feeder Hopper/Elevator
Nercon SS Conveyors
Nercon SS Conveyors
Nercon SS Conveyors
Nercon SS Conveyor
SS Bottle Coding System
Nercon SS Conveyor
Shimadzu Liquid Sample Analyzer
Shimadzu Liquid Sample Analyzer
Stainless Steel Tanks
Stainless Steel Tanks
SS Conveyor & Conveyor Parts
Stainless Steel Conveyor
Marburg SS Shrink Sealer
Marburg SS Shrink Sealer
Enercon SS Induction Sealer
Enercon SS Induction Sealer
Quadro SS Powder Dispensing Unit
Service Engineering SS Hopper/Feeder
SS Accumulation Table
SS Heat Tunnel
Lot 2043