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PL Developments Sale #2: Surplus Processing & Packaging Equipment

Fillers, Cappers, Cartoners, Labelers & More!

Auction dates
Starts: Dec 11, 2024 12:00 AM ET
Ends from: Dec 12, 2024 12:00 PM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 260 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Aesus SS Heat Tunnel
Aesus SS Steam Tunnel
Murzan Drum Unloading Pump System
Stainless Steel Tank
Krones SS Wrap -Around Bottle Label Application
Aesus SS Labeling Machine
SS Control Unit
Lot 2050
SS Inline Stretch Bander
Nordson Adhesive Melting Machine
Allegheny Bradford SS Heat Exchanger
Axon SS Labeling Machine
Ejection System & Conveyor Converter Motor
Ultratainer Poly Tank
Federal SS Feed Hopper/Elevator
Harland SS Labeling Machine
Wexxar SS Box/Case Former-Erector
Hartness Box/Case Packing Machine
Tekkra Shrink Wrapping & Bundling Machine
Tekkra Box/Case Former Erector Machine
Stainless Steel Tank
Bottling Line Parts & Components
SPX Waukesha SS Pump
Sew-Eurodrive Gear Motor
Bulk Containers w/ Bottling Line Parts
Mixing Equipment
Lot 2069
Pumping Equipment
Unibloc SS Pump
Lot 2071
Unibloc SS Pump
Lot 2072
Unibloc SS Pump
Lot 2073
Waukesha Pump
Lot 2074
Waukesha Pump
Lot 2075
SS Conveyor & Valve Pars
Heat Exchanger Tubing Replacement
Motors & Tank
Lot 2078
Alfa Laval Heat Exchanger
Paxton Air Blowers
Baldor-Reliance Electric Motor
Rosemount Analytical Transmitter
Allen-Bradley AC Frequency Drive
National Instruments Filler Control Panel
Boston Gear/Normpack Motors & Tape Accessories
Bottling Line Parts
Bottling Line Parts & Accessories
Lot 2088
Lincoln ARC Welder
Lot 2090
Ridgid 55 Gallon Vacuum Unit
Steel Grates
Lot 2092
Cement Pier Blocks
Conveyor & Pump Accessories
Eagle Acid & Corrosive Storage Cabinet
Feed Racks
Lot 2096
Kaps-All SS Bottle Scrambler Machine
Stainless Steel Conveyor
Stainless Steel Conveyor
Stainless Steel Filler System
Stainless Steel Conveyor
SureKap SS Bottle Capping Machine
Custom Cap Detection System