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Catalent Sale #5 -  Online Auction Featuring Nutraceutical and Confectionary Production Equipment From Catalent
Venue address
250 Hillside Blvd.
228 Shaw Road
South San Francisco, CA
United States
Catalent Sale #5 - Online Auction Featuring Nutraceutical and Confectionary Production Equipment From Catalent

Auction dates
Starts: Oct 22, 2024 12:00 AM PT
Ends from: Oct 23, 2024 10:00 AM PT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 228 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Ohaus Defender 3000 Bench Scale
Contents of Parts Room
Contents of Maintenance Shop
Donaldson Torit DFO 2-4 Dust Collector
NID OM 400 Candy Oiling Drum
Welding Curtains
Lot 1067
Stainless Steel Sink
Steam Jacketed Mixing Tank and Agitator
Wire Cart
Lot 1072
Stainless Steel Stools
Stainless Steel Carts
Nalgene Water Tank
Pneumatic Mixer with Stainless Steel Stand
Uline Step Ladder
Modular Drying Rooms
Modular Drying Rooms
Waiting Room Furniture
Dual Monitor Standing Desk Converter
Dual Monitor Standing Desk Converter
Office Furniture
Lot 1506
Office Cubicles
Lot 1507
Office Furniture
Lot 1508
Contents of Wellness Room
Breakroom Equipment
Conference Room Furniture
Lab Casework
Lot 1512
Breakroom Equipment
Cart with Baldor Motor and Wire
Ridgid 14
Delta 10
Wood Table
Lot 1517
Uline Nylon Banding Cart with Tools
Spill Platform and Shop Vac
Champion Engine Hoist
SEW Eurodrive R87 Gearmotor
Sweco 2.5HP Electric Motor
Kobalt 80 Gallon Air Compressor
Assorted Parts and Equipment
Label Machine
Lot 1525
Racks with Contents
Roller and Material Handling Stand
Cherry's Industrial Pallet Inverter
RBM 12 Ft. Bucket Elevator
Racks and Carts
Lot 1530
Label Rewinding Cart
3 Ft. Electric Slat Conveyor
Cap Elevator
Lot 1534
Rolling Stainless Steel Table
Dorner Adjustable Speed Belt Conveyor
Dorner Adjustable Speed Belt Conveyor