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Pfizer Sale #140 (Sandwich, UK) Sale Featuring Late Model Lab & Biopharma Equipment
Venue address
Discovery Park
Ramsgate Road
Sandwich, Kent
United Kingdom
Pfizer Sale #140 (Sandwich, UK) Sale Featuring Late Model Lab & Biopharma Equipment

Sale Featuring Late Model Lab & Biopharma Equipment From Pfizer’s World Class Research Facility in Sandwich, UK

Auction dates
Starts: Oct 29, 2024 02:00 AM GMT
Ends from: Oct 31, 2024 01:00 PM GMT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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There are 432 lots within this auction
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Comark instruments C9507IS Pressure Meter
Thermo Scientific Orion Star A211 PH Meter
Agilent 1290 Infinity HPLC System
Renishaw Invia Raman Microscope
Bigneat Fume Cabinet 90cm
Dionex ICS 3000 Ion Chromatography System
(8) Gilson Pipetteman Single Channel Pipettes
Dolan-Jenner Fibre Lite A3000 Light Source
Zinsser Analytic Shaker Box
Gallenkamp BR185T R.0 Climatic Chamber
Memmert 500 Laboratory Incubator
Weiss WKL34 Climatic Chamber
Memmert 500 Laboratory Incubator
SanyoGallenkamp PSCC61.XHA Climatic Chamber
Bruker Prospect 2 NMR Dispenser
Agilent 1200 Series HPLC System
KD Scientific 601553 Syringe Pump
Pierce Heating Module
Fischer Brand Whirlimixer Vortexer
Fischer Scientific Accunet AE 150 PH Meter
LabCold Laboratory Fridge
Agilent 7100 CE Capillary Electrophotography
Julabo Corio CD Water Bath
MorrisFlex 00NB/C24050 Tooling Polisher
Numatic HZ250 Vacuum Cleaner
Sauter Powder Testing Kit
Brookfield DV1 Viscometer
Numatic HZQ 250-2 Vacuum Cleaner *No Hoses*
Numatic HZQ 250-2 Vacuum Cleaner *No Hoses*
Thermo Scientific TSX2330FV Laboratory Freezer
Labcold RLPR05042 Laboratory Refrigerator
Fisherbrand Vortex Mixer
Fisher Scientific Vortex Mixer
LEC Medical Laboratory Freezer
IKA HBR4 Control Heating Bath
Uniqsis Hotchip Heat Exchanger
Uniqsis Hotchip Heat Exchanger
Uniqsis Hotchip Heat Exchanger
Uniqsis Hotchip Heat Exchanger
Thermo Fischer Scientific 7523-60 Tubing Pump
Fisher Scientific PPS4102 Precision Balance
Cole Parmer 7522-30 Tubing Pump
Edmo Lift L535T IBC Lifter
CEM Discover Microwave Synthesizer Reactor System
VWR LabDancer S42 Vortex Mixer
Uniqsis Hot Coil Heat Exchanger
Zaiput MS10-5 MultiStage Liquid Extractor
Bruker D2 Phaser Powder X-Ray Analyzer
J-kem Scientific 1200 Syringe Pump
OHAUS Scout SKX2202 Precision Balance
Metrohm PGstat 204 Impedence Meter
IKA Euro-St D Stirrer
Vacuubrand PC 3012 Vario Vacuum Pump
TA Instruments Discovery Differential Scanning
Retsch Cryomill Cryogenic Grinding Mill
LEC Medical LSF232UK Laboratory Freezer
Agilent Cary 60 UV-Vis G6860A Spectrophotometer
C Solo VPE Spectroscopy System
Stuart SSM4 C-Saw Rocker
IKA RT-5 Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer