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Fisker Automotive: Advanced Automotive and Testing Equipment Formerly of Fisker!
Venue address
13691 Danielson St. Unit A
Poway, CA
United States
Fisker Automotive: Advanced Automotive and Testing Equipment Formerly of Fisker!

Auction dates
Starts: Nov 05, 2024 03:00 AM PT
Ends from: Nov 06, 2024 10:00 AM PT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 248 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Assorted Monitors
Sonic S12 Toolbox
Storage Cabinet
Lot 176
Audio Equipment
Lot 178
Triangle PC3021 2 Portable Coolers
Simple Deluxe HIFANXDRUM24 Fans
Monitors and Stands
Assorted Laptops and Tablets
PC Towers and Monitors
Device Accessories
Lot 186
Kensington K67862AM Charge & Sync Stations
Mounting Hardware
Blue Toolbox
Lot 189
Three Door Filing Cabinets
Testing Unit in Carrying Case
Lexmark 5080-435 Color Printer
Storage Cabinets
Thermo Scientific ThermoFlex Recirculating
Fisker Car Covers
Oil Shield OSRHD3850 17 Air Hose Reels
X-rite Spectralight UV Pool System
Wurth Storage Cabinets
Jumpstarter JNC660 Portable Jump Starter
Midtronics MSP-070 Power Supply Charger
ChargePoint Concrete Mounting Table
Harrington LR39366 Electric Chain Hoist
Vehicle Passenger Test Seat
Monitors and Stands
Lot 205
ChargePoint Express EV Charger Power Module
Thermo Scientific ThermoFlex Recirculating
Schumacher Electric SC1308 Electric Jump Starters
Lexmark 5080-435 Color Printer
ChargePoint Express EV Charger Power Module
Storage Cabinet
Lot 211
Reception Furniture
Magna FM2920300068A New Rims
Uline Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinets
Schumacher Electric SC1308 Electric Jump Starters
Midtronics MSP-070 Power Supply Charger
Assorted Electrical Components
Insignia NS-RTM18SS2 Refrigerator
Vestil E-TUG-HD-50 Electric Powered Tugger
Lincoln Electric Welding Fume Extractor
Mister Combinations Mi-T-M Pressure Washer
AGA Tools Hand Lift
Uline Storage Cabinets
Sonic S12 Toolbox
Sonic S12 Toolbox
Sonic S12 Toolbox
Lincoln Electric TIG200 Welder
Lot 229
HUSSMAN Warming Drawers
Pace Technologies Precision Cutter
Wacom ACK62801K Ergo Stand
Pace Technologies Grinder Polish