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Fisker Automotive: Advanced Automotive and Testing Equipment Formerly of Fisker!
Venue address
13691 Danielson St. Unit A
Poway, CA
United States
Fisker Automotive: Advanced Automotive and Testing Equipment Formerly of Fisker!

Auction dates
Starts: Nov 05, 2024 03:00 AM PT
Ends from: Nov 06, 2024 10:00 AM PT
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 248 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Zebra ZT411 Thermal Printers
Samsung RF18HFENBSR French Door Refrigerator
Storage Cabinets
Husky Workbench
Lot 237
Lift Table
Lot 238
Trinity Storage Cabinet
Power Supplies
Lot 240
Lot 241
Assorted Stands
Lot 242
Testing Unit in Carrying Case
Pelican 1615 Air Large Case
Electronics and Toolbox
Monitors, Stands, Printers & Keyboards
Frank Bacon Machinery Electrical Box
DG DGFSATCH15 Open Frame Touchscreen Monitor
Display Cases
Lot 249
Lot 250
Sonic S12 Toolbox
Laptop Mobile Stand
Sonic Toolbox
Lot 253
Schumacher Electric Battery Chargers
RobinAir AC1234-4 AC Recycler Machine
Sonic Toolbox
Lot 256
Sonic MSS Toolbox
RobinAir AC1234-4 AC Recycler Machine
NEC E558 55
Lot 259
Samsung CU7000 85
Sonic MSS Toolbox
Samsung QN85Q70AAF 85
Panasonic TC-65CX400U 65
Sony KD-70X690E 70
Monitors, Cables and Mice
Sunex Tools Telescopic Transmission Jack
NetShelter Server Rack Enclosures
Sonic MSS+890MM Wall Cabinet
Sonic MSS Toolbox
Sonic MSS Toolboxes
Brother MFC-L9670CDN Laser Color Printer
Assorted Electronics
6ft. Whiteboards
Uline Lockers
Lot 274
Uline Cabinets
Lot 275
Pelican 1615 Air Large Cases
Sonic Tools
Lot 277
Flashing Power Supply Battery Charger
Lot 279
Associated 6002B Fleet Charger
Vehicle Electronics and Components
Pelican 1615 Air Large Case
Pelican 1615 Air Large Case
Pelican 1615 Air Large Case
Pelican 1615 Air Large Case
Pelican 1615 Air Large Case
Pelican 1615 Air Large Case
Pelican 1615 Air Large Case
Pelican 1615 Air Large Case
Pelican 1615 Air Large Case
Pelican 1615 Air Large Case
Pelican 1615 Air Large Case
Pelican 1615 Air Large Case