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Shapeways Bankruptcy Sale #1: By Order of US Bankruptcy Court (Case # 1:24-BK-11488)
Venue address
400 Parkland Drive
Charlotte, MI
United States
Shapeways Bankruptcy Sale #1: By Order of US Bankruptcy Court (Case # 1:24-BK-11488)

Assets of Linear AMS, a Shapeways Company: Premium Injection Molders & More!

Auction dates
Starts: Dec 02, 2024 07:00 AM ET
Ends from: Dec 03, 2024 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 217 items matching your search
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Justrite Flammable Storage Cabinet
Trinco 600 RC Dry Blast Cabinet
Assorted Eye Bolts
Assorted Eye Bolts
(4) Assorted Swivel Eye Bolts
(4) Assorted Swivel Eye Bolts
(8) Assorted Swivel Eye Bolts
(6) Assorted Swivel Eye Bolts
(2) Swivel Eye Bolts
(2) Swivel Eye Bolts
Layup Table w/ Vise
Granite Surface Table
Starrett Granite Surface Table
Baileigh MD-3500 Magnetic Drill
Milwaukee Drill Motor
Milwaukee Drill Motor
(6) Assorted Swivel Eye Bolts
(8) Assorted Swivel Eye Bolts
(2) Grinding Wheel Dressers
ITC MF12-150 Hot Runner w/ Modules
Highlight Synergy 2.5 Stretch Wrapper
Platform Scale w/ Digital Readout
Central Machinery Mini Lathe
(2) Swivel Eye Bolts
(2) Swivel Eye Bolts
Heavy Duty Pallet Racking
Heavy Duty Pallet Racking
Heavy Duty Pallet Racking
Heavy Duty Pallet Racking
Heavy Duty Pallet Racking
Heavy Duty Pallet Racking
Heavy Duty Pallet Racking
(4) Assorted Swivel Eye Bolts
(2) Swivel Eye Bolts
(4) Assorted Swivel Eye Bolts
Heavy Duty Die Rack
Heavy Duty Die Rack