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Sanofi: $9MM+ of Surplus MRO & Pharmaceutical Parts
Venue address
68 New York Ave.
Framingham, MA
United States
Sanofi: $9MM+ of Surplus MRO & Pharmaceutical Parts

AC Drives, Motors, Pumps, Valves & More!

Auction dates
Starts: Dec 05, 2024 12:00 AM ET
Ends from: Dec 06, 2024 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 219 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Camfil/Aerostar Air Filter Cartridges
Grundfos Pump
Lot 129
Grundfos Pump
Lot 130
Pump Parts & Supplies
Watson-Marlow Pump Head
SS Mixer/ Agitator
SS Mixer/ Agitator
Grundfos Pump
Lot 152
Pump Parts & Supplies
Watson-Marlow Pump
Pall Filters
Lot 161
Meco SS Heat Exchanger
Sharpe SS Mixer/Agitator
Diversified SS Pump Shaft
Alfa Laval SS Pump Casing
Watson-Marlow Pump
Wilden Pump
Lot 186
Pall SS Filter Housing
Airflow Air Filter Cartridges
Lot 192
Allegheny SS Filter Housing
Ultra-PK Air Filter Cartridges
Lumiglas SS Sight Glass
Purefit/Camfil Clamps & Filters
SS Funnel Attachment
Almatec Pumps
Lot 211
SS Heat Exchanger
GE Healthcare Glass Column
Camfil Air Filter Cartridges
Flanders Air Filter Cartridges
Flanders Air Filter Cartridges
Camfil Air Filter Cartridges
Flanders Air Filter Cartridges
Flanders Air Filter Cartridges
Spirax-Sarco Pump
Spirax-Sarco Pump
Spirax-Sarco Pump
Spirax-Sarco Pump
NovAseptic Products Mixer Driver Unit
NovAseptic Products Mixer Driver Unit
NovAseptic Products Mixer Driver Unit
Camfil Air Filter Cartridges
Camfil Air Filter Cartridges
Watson-Marlow Pump
Yula Corporation Heat Exchanger
Aerostar Air Filter Cartridges
SS Mixer/Agitator & Heat Exchanger
Lightnin Mixer
Lot 266
Lightnin Mixer
Lot 267
Alan Laval/Sterling SS Mixer/Blender & Motor
Alan Laval/Reliance Electric SS Mixer/Blender & Motor
Lightnin Mixer
Lot 287
Lightnin Mixer
Lot 288
Lightnin Mixer
Lot 289
FC Pump
Lot 291
SS Mixer/Agitator
Watson-Marlow Pump