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Sanofi: $9MM+ of Surplus MRO & Pharmaceutical Parts
Venue address
68 New York Ave.
Framingham, MA
United States
Sanofi: $9MM+ of Surplus MRO & Pharmaceutical Parts

AC Drives, Motors, Pumps, Valves & More!

Auction dates
Starts: Dec 05, 2024 12:00 AM ET
Ends from: Dec 06, 2024 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 219 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Camfil Air Filter Cartridges
Camfil Air Filter Cartridges
Camfil Air Filter Cartridges
SS Mixer/Agitator
Thermo Fisher Scientific Service Kits
Mettler-Toledo Weighting Terminals
Mettler-Toledo Electrodes
Meco SS Heat Exchangers
Camfil Air Filter Cartridges
Flanders Filters
Valves, pH Sensors & Controls
SS Stem Thermometer, Oil Seals & Gaskets
Meco Sight Glass Kit
Watson-Marlow Pump Heads
Apco SS Mixer/Agitator
Apco SS Mixer/Agitators
Apco SS Mixer/Agitators
Lot 395
Brooks/Gemu Controllers & Valve
Assorted Parts & Supplies
Assorted Parts & Supplies
Assorted Parts & Supplies
Assorted Parts & Supplies
Valves & Switches
Assorted Parts & Supplies
Assorted Parts & Supplies
Assorted Parts & Supplies
Assorted Parts & Supplies
Assorted Parts & Supplies
Camfil Air Filter Cartridges
Watson-Marlow Pump
Watson-Marlow Pump
Watson-Marlow Pump
Watson-Marlow Pump
Filters & Probes
LMI Milton Roy Pumps
MSA Monitor
Lot 452
MSA Monitor
Lot 453
Pump Impeller & Filter End Plates
LMI Milton Roy Pumps
Camfil Filter Cartridge
Apco/Gemu SS Mixer/Agitators & Switch Boxes
Assorted Parts & Supplies
Assorted Parts & Supplies
NovAseptic Pump & Mixing Parts
Parts & Supplies
Parts & Supplies
Heat Exchangers
Lot 514
Heater & Filter Housings
Lot 518
Lot 519
Lot 527
SS Filter Housings
Parts & Supplies
Lot 548
Hoses & Screens
Lot 549
Lot 550
Lot 551
Refractometer & Probe
SS Filter Housing