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Sanofi: $9MM+ of Surplus MRO & Pharmaceutical Parts
Venue address
68 New York Ave.
Framingham, MA
United States
Sanofi: $9MM+ of Surplus MRO & Pharmaceutical Parts

AC Drives, Motors, Pumps, Valves & More!

Auction dates
Starts: Dec 05, 2024 12:00 AM ET
Ends from: Dec 06, 2024 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
By appointment only
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We found 219 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Pamlico Air Filter Cartridges, Gaskets & Hose
Pedrollo Pumps
Lot 574
Spx-Flow Pump Casing
Spirax-Sarco Traps
Allen-Bradley Frequency Drive
Baumann/Fisher Valve
Baumann/Rosemount Valve
Gemu Valves
Lot 584
Plumbing Parts & Supplies
Parts & Supplies
Parts & Supplies
Parts & Supplies
Parts & Supplies
Rosemount Magnetic Flow Meter System
Jordan Valve Regulators
Circulator & Valves
Parts & Supplies
Rosemount/Smar Transmitters & Converter
Parts & Supplies
Parts & Supplies
Mettler-Toledo Weigh Terminals
Farris Valves
Lot 603
Foxboro/Philips Analyzer & Power Supply
FlowServe Pneumatic Actuators
Parts & Supplies
Parts & Supplies
Mettler-Toledo/Vaisala Measurement Equipment
Sanitary Hoses
Lot 613
NovAseptic NS Holder
Transmitter & SS Weigh Module
Anderson Gauges
Lot 616
Endress+Hauser Transmitters & Guide Rails
Sensors, Diptube & Thermometers
Ametek CM System w/ Sensors
Parts & Supplies
Parts & Supplies
Parts & Supplies
Sensors & Drive Belts
NovAseptic/DFT Bearings & Valves